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Descendants - Charlotte Wilhelmine Natalie von Buxhoeveden

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Λ = Gender male  Δ = Gender female

(0) Δ Charlotte Wilhelmine Natalie von Buxhoeveden (22/09/1778 - 06/08/1850) X02/09/1800X {Hans Heinrich von Stackelberg (26/09/1757 - 10/12/1833)}

(1) Δ Wilhelmine Christine von Stackelberg (28/07/1800 - 13/04/1872)

(1) Δ Johanna Charlotte von Stackelberg (07/11/1802 - 23/11/1863)

(1) Δ Karoline Mathilde von Stackelberg (10/12/1804 - 15/04/1841) X01/08/1830X {Napoleon Arkadius Julius von Ditmar (30/11/1807 - 14/12/1866)}

(1) Λ Karl Georg Matthias von Stackelberg (06/10/1805 - 18/02/1807)

(1) Λ Matthias Christopher von Stackelberg (31/05/1807 - 20/01/1819)

(1) Δ Katharina Juliane von Stackelberg (30/05/1808 - 02/07/1808)

(1) Λ Otto Friedrich von Stackelberg (06/08/1812 - 13/05/1862)

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